What does it feel like?

by Marissa

Q: So it's an exfoliating cloth? Does it feel harsh on the skin?
What about if you have hairy arms? will it get under the hair and get at the skin?
I have read about the whole "don't use it on active acne" thing. If I understand correctly you are supposed to use it around the acne, then once it clears up then use it on the spots where it was and it should work?
Thanks, hope you can answer my questions,

A: Hi Marissa,

Thanks for your email.
It doesn't feel too harsh on your skin at all. You could probably safely use it to scrub an egg skin without it irritating, however if you increase the pressure, the mitten will simply grip and bumps and dry, dead skin and lift it away in rolls.

It doesn't hurt, unless you scrub too long and too hard in one area, this you will be able to feel for yourself when is happening and you can stop scrubbing that area.

I myself have quite hairy arms and it does a reasonably good job removing dead skin, however the more hairy you are, the less effective the mitten is so we don't recommend it, for example, to extremely hairy men because the results won't be all that great.

And yes, you got it correct about the acne. It's very important not to scrub off any active acne. Blackheads are fine and it will actually help to remove these.

Here is the link to purchase if you need: www.PinUpSkin.com

Hope this helps!


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