do you know what keratosis pilaris is?

by jackie

Q: I kind of have thick skin, and i want to try this Baiden but because i have this skin condition i dont know if it will work for me.

A: Hi Jackie,
Yes, we have a customer with this skin condition and she loves the product. It definitively works for her.
When you try it, and you're not entirely satisfied with the results, which I'm quite confident you will be, there is always the 60 day money back guarantee so you're very well covered here.

Hope this helps!
Sorelle :)

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Sep 09, 2021
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by: Anonymous

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Nov 06, 2015
it works NEW
by: Anonymous

It works sooooo well. In fact most of it is gone in just one use. Then over the next couple of weeks it gets rid of the rest of it until you don't even remember that you even had Keratosis Pilaris :-)
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Jul 04, 2014
by: Tori

I have KP, and I was looking on here to see if anyone else has asked that question, I'm definately looking in to getting one :) and Coconut Oil definately helps, smells nice too :)

May 19, 2013
Baiden Mitten DEFINITELY works for Keratosis Pilaris
by: Victoria

It works sooooo well. In fact most of it is gone in just one use. Then over the next couple of weeks it gets rid of the rest of it until you don't even remember that you even had Keratosis Pilaris :-)

Apr 02, 2013
Keratosis pilaris
by: Shelly


I have the same condition on the back of my thighs. I would highly recommend using organic coconut oil in addition to using this mitt. The mitt I have yet to use but the oil I can say did work for me, it also has antibacterial properties. I am looking forward to my mitt purchase for melasma.

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