Polka Dots

How to wear this beautiful print?

Polka Dots

Polka dots are so beautiful! In fact, and they are definitely an attention-getter! Aside from this, they are very retro and perfect if you feel like going for the vintage look. However, do you know that there are different ways to wear this print?

Polka Dots

A polka dot clothing is definitely a classic trend since 1950 that brings such a retro vibe to any wardrobe today.

Polka Dots

Sure, polka dots can make you look like Minnie Mouse, if you think of it THAT way but you can still wear it perfectly in a grown up way! How? Let’s start with polka-dot dresses!

There are a lot of dresses in this print today and it will be great if you go for the cinched-waist dress that will definitely be perfect for women who are gifted with an hourglass figure. You can also go for a tube dress and wear it with opaque tights. This kind of outfit? Perfect for a night out with your girlfriends.

Polka Dots

It is a traditional print and if you want to break free of the traditional route, you can check out metallic or silver in this print or maybe go for a dress on a bright color base in this print. By doing this, you can still wear it classic-style but still maintain that playfulness through the shades and beautiful fabrics.

Now, enough about these gorgeous dresses, let’s move on to tops and blouses. Aren’t they just gorgeous and today, you can see a lot of tops and blouses in this particular print being offered by well-known retailers. Now, there are some tips that you have to remember when buying a top or blouse in this print.

Polka Dots

First tip: Proportion

The print should be proportional to your shape. Be aware of proportions based on your size. Depending on whether you are petite or super curvy, the size of the prints can make or break your outfit. So be sure to ask an honest friend if the size is appropriate for your body shape.

Second tip: Mix it and match it!

The best thing about this particular print is that you can mix it with your plain clothes and you will come up with a rocking outfit! Maybe a plain colored skirt for that retro look or maybe you can cover it up with a nice looking cardigan. Anything will do as long as the other fabric is plain. Retro is soooo in today!

Now, let’s move on the hair accessories, what are the hair accessories that will go well with this beautiful print?

You can try to wear something that is printed the same way. Maybe a headband or a scarf? That would be lovely. However, if you’re not comfortable to look like you’re made of beautiful dots, you can try to keep things simple. You can wear a plain-colored headband or a bandana. Just keep things plain when it comes to hair accessories. You might want to wear really colorful hair accessories but plain to add contrast to your dress or top in this print. Through this, you will definitely achieve a retro feel!

Polka Dots

Aside from clothes in this print, there are also shoes in this print that you can wear. These shoes are just so lovely you will definitely love to wear them every single day.

Polka Dots

What about during the summer season? Who said you can't wear this gorgeous print while strolling at the beach? There are a lot of swimsuits in different styles in this particular print. The best thing about it? They are getting really popular these days, which means that you won't have a hard time finding a beautiful swimsuit.

Polka Dots

Can you look classy in in this print? Of course you can! There are a lot of dresses out there that you can find in this print that you can wear to the office or a very formal event. There are dresses with cute pop-sleeves and there are also dresses that are A-line, which gives that dress a formal look. Also, if you want to wear this print to a very classy event, you will find dresses in neutral colors that would be perfect. There are blacks, whites, beige and other neutral colors that will definitely make you look classy.

Polka Dots

When it comes to looking cute in clothes in this print, this is effortless! They are so cute that anyone who wears it can instantly look cute or even cuter than before. Since these are cheery prints, you will definitely find it in a lot of colors and most of them are very cute. So just by simply putting it on, you will look instantly cute without exerting too much effort. That’s the beauty of this print.

Polka Dots

A lot of women also ask if they can wear dresses for eveningwear. Just like with being classy, yes you definitely can! As mentioned above, there are a lot of dresses in this particular print that you can wear to a formal event. All you have to do is stick to neutral colors and you have to make sure that you accessorize well. Of course, there shouldn’t be any funky accessories but more on the “classy” side. Neutral colors are perfect for eveningwear.

Polka Dots

This print is really so popular today that you can find a lot of women wearing this cheery, retro and beautiful print! You won’t have a hard time finding a dress, a top or any type of clothing in this print, because of its popularity, you get to find it easily and rock your outfit under the sun or even under the blanket of stars!

Polka Dots

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