Where To From Here?

You may not know the story of how Pin Up Passion actually started.

The story is no where near as glamorous as what you may think it is.

It was pretty much exactly 2 years ago to the day where this adventure begun.

My mother had been running a spray tanning website for about 5 years and she kept encouraging me to start my own website as the lifestyle and business opportunities were great online. 

"You can travel the world and work on your business" she said. This really appealed to me as I was a travel addict.

So I researched some topics of what could be interesting to start a website on.

I came across the word Pin Up.

I didn't know what it was.

I googled the word Pin Up and was pleasantly surprised. These ladies were sexy, empowered, confident. The complete opposite of what I was at the time.

I decided this was it... This was the topic I was going to write about.

Quickly this website and the strong community behind it grew. Within just a few months it was the largest pin up girl information page on the web.

Happy days.

But inside I kept struggling with my internal conflict.

You may or may not know this, but I am not a pin up girl myself. I felt like a traitor for so long trying to run a website about a topic on fashion style that I wasn't even dressing as. I was just passionate about these women and what they represented.

But I keep preserving. The little voice inside my head said 'Never give up…'

And slowly the puzzle pieces started to fall together.

There are no mistakes in life. I absolutely believe that. And Pin Up Passion was no different. It happened for a reason.

I started realizing that the idea of 'pin up' was far more then just the fashion look.

It was empowering for a woman.

It was strength and confidence. A woman who gave herself permission to shine. To be and feel beautiful. It was the idea that it was ok for women to unleash their Divas and embrace their feminine side.

I saw the effect that the pin up community had on me - I finally embraced and loved myself as I was.

I finally decided to dive head first. I quit my very stable job just 3 weeks ago and ventured into what I now see as the purpose for my life…to show women their perfection.

This weekend I was blessed to be in the presence of a number of inspiring people who changed my whole outlook on this business and on it's direction.

Up until this point, I was going to provide just the information needed for women to achieve the look and of course mixed with my occasional messages about needing to love yourself.

Things have now changed and it's no longer just a business…it's a movement I am committed to creating.

Pin Up Passion's existence now rests on just this one idea…

"We Believe".

We believe every woman is a Diva. You're perfect just as you are.

And we are committed to providing you only with the highest quality information to assist you in unleashing and nurturing the Diva within.

We just happen to get this message out through the Pin Up World.

You will be seeing some HUGE changes happening to Pin Up Passion soon.

New website will be up within a matter of weeks. New branding, easier to use, better information, more information, forums to discuss your questions, stores for all your pin up goodies, eBooks, online courses, weekend pamper retreats, more interviews with experts in this industry and interviews with the world's biggest pin ups.

We will also be committing more time to helping you spread the message of women's perfection through different social media platforms. We are spreading out further.

And finally our commitment is to you…to ensure that everything we do is with you in mind. Everything we do is there to assist you on your journey to self love.

It may take some time to get our vision in place for you to see the full extent of what we have planned…but stick by us. We promise it will be worth it.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I couldn't have done this without you. I wouldn't have done it without you.

I now know 100% that I am EXACTLY where I need to be.

One great realization I had the other day is that my name Sorelle Amore means 'Sisters Love'. Pretty appropriate as I'm basically just spreading love to my sisters.

Pretty freaky coincidence right? I think not...

There are no mistakes in life.

I'm here for you.

Love Always...
<3 Sorelle Amore

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