The Jayne Mansfield and Sophia Loren Encounter

The famous encounter of Jayne Mansfield and Sophia Loren...

American actress Jayne Mansfield was one of the leading blonde sex symbols of the 1950s. Her breasts were so much a part of her image that 'Tonight Show' host Jack Paar once introduced her by saying, 'Here they are, Jayne Mansfield'.

When her movie career began to dim, she was known to stage publicity stunts for media attention. The most famous incident occurred in April 1957 during a dinner party honouring Sophia Loren. Photographs of the encounter were published around the world. The most famous image showed Loren raising an eyebrow at the American actress who had leaned over the table, allowing her breasts to spill over her low neckline and exposing one nipple.

A similar incident occurred during a film festival in Berlin when her second husband, Mickey Hargitay, picked her up, resulting in the full exposure of both breasts.

Below are the photos of the incident.

Ohhhh Jayne...ohhhh naughty, naughty Jayne ;)

<3 Sorelle Amore

jayne mansfield and sophia loren

jayne mansfield and sophia loren

jayne mansfield and sophia loren

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