
The Baiden Mitten 50% off sale*.

First Time Ever Available Only To Pin Up Passion Customers.

(*Applies To Slightly Defective Baiden Mittens Only. The Defects Do Not Alter The Performance Of The Mitten)

Click Here To Purchase Your Baiden Mitten At 50% Off

Hurry! These will run out soon.

As you know, at Pin Up Passion, we're a HUGE fan of the Baiden Mitten. If you're not familiar with the mitten, here is a video as to why we love it so much:

Thousands of Pin Up Passion ladies are already using the mitten and head over heels in love with it, so if you're not one of those ladies, now is your time to test the mitten.

This 50% off sale is the first time that it's ever been available to Pin Up Passion customers only and may not happen again.

Click Here To Purchase Your Baiden Mitten At 50% Off

Christmas is not too far off! This could be the perfect gift for your mom, sister, partner.

<3 The Pin Up Passion Team

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