Creating beautiful shots in a more seductive and alluring way

The man behind this jawdropping art is Robert Alvarado. He started working professionally just a few years back on these pin up portraits.
It's pretty clear that this man has one of the best jobs in the world. In short, he loves taking pictures of women...nude women.
His shots of beautiful pin up girls are generally always provocative and seductive. It's certainly not the type of pictures you want to show your mother in law or your kids :)
This man is lucky enough to have photographed one my all time favourite pin up/alt models Amelia Nightmare. If you don't know of this lady, make sure you check out her page to be pleasantly surprised.
For more information:
Check out his Website
Join his Facebook
Address: Aliso Viejo, California, US
Here are some of his amazing shots:

So what do you think? Quite impressive don't you think?
And as I said...this man has one of the best jobs in the world...BY FAR!
"I am a poor man and of little worth, who is laboring in the art that God has given me in order to extend my life as long as possible" Michelangelo
The raves about this man on Facebook are endless. Here's just a few:
"You've been one of my favorite Photographer's ever since I laid eyes on your work! Shooting with you is definitely on my bucket list." Miss La la
"I just have to say I am a big fan of your work!! I have ran into it quite a bit here on facebook and on MM. Your pin ups are truly inspiring. I always enjoy looking threw your photos. You have some serious talent! Looking forward to seeing your future shoots!!" Shhaayy
"BEST PHOTOGRAPHER EVER, missin our times shooting together! Alvarado withdrawals!" Leslie Sheigh
For more information:
Check out his Website
Join his Facebook
Address: Aliso Viejo, California, US
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